Activitats d’anglès per a tothom!
Good morning dear students and families of Escola Nova!
Your English Teachers are thinking about you!
We think it is very important to keep practicing your English skills and that’s why we suggest to go to :
In KoalaText you can find lots of resources according to your LEVEL. There are reading and listening activities and lots of games as well.
Have a great time playing and learning English at home.
(Teniu la traducció a sota de la imatge)
Bon dia alumnes i famílies de l’Escola Nova!
Les vostres English Teachers pensant molt en vosaltres.
És molt important continuar practicant Anglès a casa i per això us suggerim una pàgina web:
En aquesta pàgina podeu trobar molts recursos adequats a cada nivell. Hi ha activitats de lectura i escolta i molt jocs també.
Esperem que gaudiu jugant i aprenent Anglès a casa.
this game is very interesting
Hello Estefi,
I think that this page is interesting, but there is a weird thing:
if you go to fifth, sixth, or seventh grade, and then you go to online games, you can see that the page is the same, the URL is the same, and the games are the same. So if you are a fifth-grade student, and you think that your fifth-grade page is easy for you, and you want to do something harder, you will have to go to another page.